Coming Home

Our home is almost complete! We're also starting to run out of steam, so we took a break for a Zen retreat in Niagara Falls.

We've spent weeks and weeks putting in tiles...

and more weeks stapling down hardwood...

up and down: 1200 sq.ft. - Before: Of course we can put in all that hardwood ourselves! After: what were we thinking...!

Apr. 4 - spring is coming...

In May, 2019 we finely moved in - exciting times! Our travelling days seem to be over for the time being, and we're pretty clearly starting a new chapter in our lives. Our staircase explains the plan:

Suffering - the inherent unsatisfactoriness of regular life.

Practice - the way out. Here's a Zen teacher giving a little push...

The Way - living joyfully!

Pretty simple! We'll let you know how that goes.